Thursday, April 26, 2012

How do you find out if your video card is AGP/PCI/or something like that?

Im trying to buy a new video card for my computer, but i dont know weather my old video card an ati radeon 7000(Yeah i know its old :P) can be replaced by a new video card. what im trying to say is i dont know wether to buy PCI/AGP/ or sumtin liek that to replace it with so i want to know how to find out which is compatible|||if u have an agp slot it will look similar and be in a similar location as this ... its the brown one at the top ..…

.|||1st off. Dont put a big card in your old computer, it wont make much difference.. (like putting a ferrari engine in a Lada, the lada wont get any better)

2nd go in Start--> program files --> Accessories --> System Tools --> System Information

--> in there, under components, look at Display, and if you look around it should come up

Considering the radeon 7000, you shall either see PCI or AGP. It is most probably AGP (and be careful, "PCI" and "PCI Express" are NOT the same thing. Any card at the store that is PCI express is DEFINETLY not for your computer because it is the new cutting edge technology)||||||Look inside the computer where the video card slot is. If that slot is just a standard PCI slot like the other one or two slotsbelow it then you have PCI but if that slot has an additional slot piese right next to it then it's AGP.

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