Thursday, April 26, 2012

Best Video Card for under $50 all i can find is ones around $70 i was lookin at an ATI 1800XT 512MB PCI! HELP!

i need to find a good video card thats pci not pci-e when ever i search for one on say.. ebay or somtin it always says pci-e even though i type pci cuz my friend has a dell (cheap piece of crap never go dell unless its an older one) and i has a place in it where it looks like someone could soder in an agp port but i aint doin that it has 2.4ghz and 256mb ram we want to play games on it but its got a junk Intel Extreme Intergrated Graphics card in it it supports HW TnL but limited like not shader or vertex shader support its no better than an ATI RAGE PRO :/ i was think in the video card i saw in walmart it was an ATI 1800XT 512MB PCI i even look at the see threw hole in the box and it was a pci port card and was like low profile and had a small fan but ive be hearin about the card it sound pretty good and has shaders 3.0 (good enough for most our games) but it was $70 any one know where i could find it for a lil under $50 plus shipping? all i need the the url to the site so plz help!!!|||Don't get the one that plugs in to the PCI slot. The PCI video card is only as good as you secondary bridge on the motherboard and will not really perform better and may be worse.

Get the Video card that plugs into the AGP slot. The AGP is the different looking slot(s) toward the top. The advantage of the AGP Video card is it doesn't have to go through the smaller secondary host controller to communicate but just goes through the larger primary host controller before it accesses the memory and processor. The PCI Video card has to go through the smaller secondary host controller and the larger host controller before it accesses the memory and processor.

The smaller host controller also is what communicates with the hard drive and sound card and plug-ins in the back of the computer including the printer, scanner, usb devices, power management, etc. It really already has a load on it.

The AGP Video card will more than likely be more expensive but I think you will be disappointed with the PCI Video card. I was. In fact I think I have two of them I don't have any need for. They are stored in a box.

I will get the AGP Video card next no matter the cost.|||Ok that slot by the way was a retarded atempt buy dell to be able to add future memory upgrades to the integraded video, anway here is what i found…

here is a couple of options for you anything better then the 7000 is good but nothing less|||maybe u can cehck out sim lim sq or even funan it mall.or u can jus check the newspaper for it|||Try or both good and cheap websites which i use and trust them.

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