Friday, April 20, 2012

Can I put 2, ATI Radion 9250, w/256MB PCI Video Cards in my comp, even if I wouldn't have anything hooked 2 it

Can I put 2, ATI Radion 9250, w/256MB PCI Video Cards in my comp, even if I wouldn't have anything hooked to it...?

Would I get the 512MB (1/2GB) Video RAM...?

Or would it not do anything...?|||yeah it will boot from the agp card first, and give you dual monitor abaility, but depends on your motherboard and windows on how to it handles the drivers for those graphic cards, and no it wil not give you a combined 512mb of graphical memory.

the other person who said about crossfire or xfire for ati cards its wrong since they didnt read the question correctly since you need pci-express cards for crossfire, not agp/pci|||thats called crossfire, you have to have a special motherboard for that, you can run them together but you have to set it up correctly|||You can put two in their, but there's no point. Unless you have them hooked up through SLI, in which case you'll get more than the combined memory: both cards will work in parallel, almost doubling your performance for video output.|||I've done similar things to this, so that I could run multiple desktops. I have 2 PCI video cards in a presentation computer so that I can hook up 4 monitors with unique video on each. It will not however allow the cards to work together on a single display. It will not increase your gaming performance at all, if that's what you are after.|||The card you listed only supports AGP or PCI (not PCI Express) connections and is not an ATI Crossfire supporting card. You could install multiple cards, but doing so will not enable them to work together as you are suggesting. You could use each to drive a separate display, but you wouldn't combine the processing power.

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