Friday, April 27, 2012

Can I replace my current video card (ATI Radeon) with a (PCI GeForce 6200)?

I would like to play MineCraft on my computer, but I have an ATI Radeon video card...

I'm going to buy a new one but I want to know if this new video card will work with my old computer.

(I'm buying it through

The new video card is a PCI GeForce 6200.

My current video card is: ATI Radeon X300SE 256M HYPER MEMORY PCI-E TVO/DVI

My CPU (If it matters): Intel 1GB NH8280

Motherboard (If it matters): Desktop board D945GTP D945PLM Canada ICES-003 Class-B

All of this information on video card/CPU/Motherboard are based off of what I read and what looked important when I opened my computer.

PLEASE NOTE: I am new in building computers, and extracting information from them so if you don't understand or I left information out, I know, trust me I know, please DON'T Tell me!

Question summed up: Can I replace my current video card (ATI Radeon X300SE 256M HYPER MEMORY PCI-E TVO/DVI) with the one I am going to buy (PCI GeForce 6200)?

Thanks alot, Erwin.|||Hi Zen!

Yes you can but the New Graphic Card! Hooray!

Your computer can Support it.

Thanks and Take care!|||No PCI and PCIe are different.

Your system is weak as hell and if I were you, I'd get rid of it cause that **** is ancient.

The cards you chose are dinosaur **** and your entire system is beyond caveman ****.

But I'd suggest building a real Pc and get rid of that ancient pos. :)|||if your current gpu is Pci-e then you are going to be downgrading to pci if your new card is pci-e like your old one then yes you can use it i dont know it may not work but if you have pci slot in your mobo then it will|||Whoa, several things here.

First off, PCI and PCIe are NOT the same thing. NEVER use a PCI video card if it can be helped. PCI is old, hideously slow, and worthless for any remotely high-bandwidth hardware, which means video cards.

Second, you're replacing one turd with another. The 6200 is a horridly old, slow, and outdated piece of crap. It's borderline worthless. You have a PCIe slot and thus have your pick of a multitude of modern cards. Don't settle for ancient garbage.

Third, you haven't specified a budget. Give us the money you're willing to spend and we can provide suggestions. You should also pop the side off of your computer and take a look at the power supply. Tell us the total wattage it can pump, because that's going to directly tie in to which video cards you can use without replacing the power supply as well.

For $40, the best you'll do is a Radeon 5450. It's better than what you have, but still pretty crappy. At least try to squeeze that up to $50 for a Radeon 6450. And yes, a new one will work. Why wouldn't it? It's all PCIe.

Shop on If you were going to spend $40 on a PCI 6200 then you were getting ripped off. Newegg is an excellent site with great prices.|||I'm not going to look up the specs but there are a couple of things to consider...

1) Is the slot compatible with your new card.?

2) Is your power supply sufficient to power the new card?

Your old card is a PCI Express card. PCI-E slots are not backwards compatible with PCI. However, I am betting that your motherboard may have a spare PCI slot. You should be able to confirm if you have a spare slot.

Higher end graphics cards require higher wattage power supplies. Make sure that your old power supply is up to the task. Look up the specs on the new card and compare it with the wattage of your old power supply.

My advice? Make sure you can return your card just in case.

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